Manage your energy for best results in 2024

Manage your energy for best results in 2024

I have it clear what I want to reach, but how can I finally this year sustain the energy to get the best results in 2024?

Sounds familiar? We’ve all been there. This year, I decided, it’s going to be different, and have to manage my energy in a way, that is more sustainable. So I came up with 5 steps to managing your energy in 2024 for the best results.

5 steps to managing your energy for best results in 2024

1. Heal what’s broken.

This year started with a persistent flu. Being sick in bed and 34 weeks pregnant served as a reminder for me of what needs to be the priority this year: health and recovery before running to task completion. Before I’m well, I can’t be energetically present. Being well needs to be the first step!

The priority this year is to get well and recover. From the flu, from work stress, from giving birth later this year. On a daily level, it can be recovering from a badly slept night or a workout. I always need to start by recovering from what I’ve been through before moving on to the next thing. 

I take time for myself and my healing before I need to move on to new things.

My health and well-being are my priority.

When I’m energetically in balance, I will naturally want to move on to the next level.

2. Set the environment up for success.

“The first day that I started feeling physically a little bit better, I became interested in my surroundings. I had to clean up and air out the energies that held that sickness still in the house. The act of taking care of our environment sets us energetically in a place where a fresh start is possible.”

After doing this cleaning, the healing accelerated and I became motivated about a fresh start. I chopped some fresh fruit in the fridge to attract more vibrant energy, in practice, to help me make better choices to support my recovery. I was setting my environment up for success.

This little spike of starting energy was all that I needed to get the ball rolling in the right direction. 

I set my environment up for success by cleaning and organizing.

I pack away what’s dragging my energy low and release that energy for new things.

After setting the environment up for success, we can move on to to next level.

3. Create a plan for long-term success.

We usually dive right into our spontaneous push to take action. We start going to the gym every day, we spend all our bonuses on a decorative spree to renew our home interior design, or we allow ourselves to be absorbed by a work project.

Going all in is satisfying because we can see results fast. And that’s how I’m used to doing things. That upbeat energy, however, doesn’t last for long. Usually by the end of January, we fall into our old habits.

When we use all our initial energy in the first days, our interest dies off fast, and we lose the potential of our intention. If we want our goals to happen, the best way to use some of that initial energy is to create a plan.

How about managing that burning fire, the initial energy, within you in a more controlled way? We can retain our energy and save it up for the next moment.

In yoga, we practice breath retention, and breath is energy. Equally, we can manage our energy by not releasing it all from the first impulse.

Define your plan:

  1. What is my goal?
  2. Why is reaching that goal important for me?
  3. What actions will take me there?
  4. How can I break my actions down into smaller steps?
  5. When will I be doing them? 
  6. What is the one thing I can do today to start?

Now, you not only have the energy to start, but you also see that reaching your goal isn’t something that you need to do in January. You have a plan of action to reach your goal during the year step by step. 

I create a step-by-step plan for reaching my goal.

I save my motivation and energy for the year.

Remember to finish one task before moving on to the next one.

4. Define your intention and get to it!

Now, it’s time to take action. What you need to be clear about is, what that action is. Ask yourself every day: What is the one thing I can do today to start? Write it into your calendar and set your intention to it.

Then repeat the next day. What’s the next thing I can do or do I still need to finish what I started yesterday? Or maybe you didn’t start yesterday even if you planned so – then start again today!

I follow my plan to take a small step daily towards my long-term goal.

I remind myself about why my goal is important to me to motivate myself.

Taking action moves you into a new energy and seeing results motivates you to keep going. The change can be subtle, so in the last step, learn to recognize the work you have done.

5. Self-evaluation and praise

Take time every day to look back at what you did and acknowledge your effort. Even if you think it was something insignificantly small, note, that it was a step forward.

When you finalize your planned steps, evaluate yourself. How did it go? Can I do something better? What did I do well? Whatever didn’t work, try again tomorrow. Whatever worked well, repeat that. 

The idea of having a plan is not to have 100% perfect execution. The purpose of having a plan is to keep you in check to remember where you started from and where you want to go.  

Planning is a strategy for refocusing your attention and intention.

So if you feel like you’re not moving forward as planned, think about what you can do differently. Then let go and move on. Start again if necessary. 

80% done is better than 100% never done.

No one else is responsible for your goals this year. Only you can decide to make it happen. Even if others don’t see any change yet, keep doing the work. The change happens first in your mindset and habits. Don’t wait for external recognition, but give it to yourself

You can get to your goals in 2024!

I hope these ideas will keep your energy alive and fresh all year so that you can reach your goals in 2024!


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