What are positive affirmations as a practice?

Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are phrases that affirm your positive thoughts and beliefs about yourself and the world. They can be used as a powerful tool to teaching your subconscious mind to think new thoughts.

Repeat to remember

The power of the affirmations is in repetition. Repeating affirming and supportive thoughts to yourself daily can become a healthy habit just like having a healthy breakfast or going to the gym.

With time, these affirmations will become a part of your internal chatter.

What is internal chatter?


We have internal chatter, that can be harmful to us. It can keep us from living the life that we deserve. Becoming aware of these thought habits is important so that we can stop repeating negative thought patterns.

Recognizing how we speak to ourselves, and when, we can put a stop to any negative or limiting inner talk, and start replacing destructive thought patterns with positive affirmations.

How to start practicing positive affirmations?

You can start by listening to positive affirmations on Spotify, or any mindfulness app, or you can read them over again. You can also write your own and place somewhere visible.

My intention is to collect affirmations to you to help in any situtation you would find them useful. Try out these positive affirmation practices and learn more about their power.

Give yourself the compliment that you’ve been waiting for

If you ever feel like you’re not enough

How to stop caring about what others think.

What are positive affirmations?

Affirmations practice: Strengthen your inner power

Comparison no longer serves me.





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