How to stop caring about what others think.

Caring about other people’s opinions is as much their problem as it’s yours. There will always be someone who thinks they’d have made better decisions than you did. Some might even feel like it’s their duty to express it verbally either directly to you or behind your back. 

Does it mean you should react? No. The source of opinions, when given to you without you having asked for it, is actually the need for someone to strengthen their own beliefs.

When our mind is challenged by new thoughts, it consideres those thoughts a threat, because our mind wants to maintain homeostasis.

By commenting on your lifestyle or choices one is protecting their own belief-system and trying to maintain their own image of the world.

Opinions aren’t facts.

Everyone is living this life through the lenses of their own past experiences and beliefs that they’ve learned. What someone opinionated about you, really had nothing to do with you, but everything to do with them. 

Understanding this, will free you up from thinking that the opinion of someone else were a fact.

Other’s opinions are a reflection of their mindset and beliefs being challenged. It has nothing to do with you. Be understanding to this, but also, stay firm and loyal to yourself.

Strengthen your inner voice while silencing the noise outside.

As in meditation, we must learn to quiet the external noise before we can hear what our inner voice is saying.

Focus your attention to what actually matters: understanding why you get so triggered by those opinions. The challenge is in quieting the opinions of others and strengthening your own inner voice.

If you keep living your life responding to every external opinion, comment, or expectation given to you, you will never do what you are truly meant to do on this Earth, living your True Purpose.

Ask yourself why you get so triggered by someone’s opinion? Is it making you uncomfortable, because there’s some truth to it? Are you a people-pleaser and think that you are responsible for explaining your life-choices to others to please them? Do you need validation to believe in what you do? Are you afraid that you will not be loved if you show up as yourself?

Notice how standing up for yourself makes you feel.

Strengthening your own inner voice is subtle, and might take some time, but you will feel the difference.

Clarify to yourself what are your true values and non-negotiables. You will start noticing situations where you say ‘no’ because you don’t want or approve of what you’ve been told. It might be frightening at first, if you’re used to pleasing others, but you’ll get used to it.

You’ll also notice having more time left for the things that you really want in your life. You‘ll be saying “yes” whole heartedly and without apologizing.

By becoming aware of what part of this “issue” is your own, and what part is “theirs”, you can direct your energy in a more constructive way.

Affirmations for adults who are sick of caring about the opinions of others.

Build self-trust, confidence, and self-reliance with the help of these powerful affirmations.

I am independent.

I am naturally care-free.

I’m silencing the words of doubt within me. 

I’m silencing the shame.

I have self-control.

I give myself the permission I seek from others.

I love myself.

I believe in the decisions I make. 

I show up unapologetically as myself.

I am in control of my power.

I know that I’m always able to walk away from a situation that doesn’t serve me.

I’m already everything I need to be.

I make my own decisions.

I am happy with who I am.

How I feel about myself is everything to me.

I am my own best friend and supporter.

I am disciplined.

I’m determined and I go after what I want.

My dreams and hopes are important.

My will-power is strong and I am self-reliant.

My value doesn’t change although someone else doesn’t see my value.

I let go of the things that are out of my control, such as thoughts of others.

I focus my energy on living my purpose.

Try reading through these affirmations repetitively during some weeks or listen to them here and start witnessing how the opinions of others no longer have power over you. ( recording link)

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