What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are a way of teaching your subconscious mind to think new thoughts

I started practicing positive affirmations during my healing process.

First, I would listen to them on Spotify and Insight timer- app on my phone. I would listen to them in the morning while traveling to work, going for a morning walk to a nearby cafe, or just during morning routines.

Next, I started writing these affirmations in my journal. I’ve always learned by writing, so this way of practicing helped me integrate these affirmative thoughts even more

At some point, I started noticing, that the same phrases that I’d listened to, popped up in my thinking unconsciously. I would hear myself saying “I am worthy” when I needed to hear that. “I let go of what no longer serves me” reminded me about my capability to change.

Gradually, what I’d listened to, became my thoughts.

Positive affirmations become your thoughts.

Repeating affirmations makes us remember. Reading, listening, or writing affirmations repeatedly every day is the key to making them a part of your internal dialogue.

Positive affirmations are phrases that change your emotional state into something you want to feel. These phrases affirm our positive capabilities, and beliefs, and strengthen our self-confidence.

Usually, positive affirmations start with “I am”, which is very powerful. When we use this expression, we’re no longer talking about the future possibility, or maybe, or “if I…, then”. Instead, we take our power back at this moment and tell our minds what we are.

  • I am worthy.
  • I am beautiful.
  • I am intelligent.

I am is a powerful way to create new beliefs of yourself, but other verbs can also be used to create affirmations.

  • I silence the shame.
  • I trust in my ability to choose the right thing.
  • I let go of who I was and step into a new identity.

Start a habit of positive affirmations.

Repetition is the key to learning new habits of thinking. It’s important to have easy access to the affirmations and include them in your daily routines.

I repeatedly listen to the same content with the affirmations that I find supportive of me on my journey.

My favorite meditation & affirmations creator is Lalah Delia. She creates amazing meditations with affirmations.

You can also try affirmations content by me on YouTube: Listen to positive affirmations


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