Change is an opportunity.

Why is it so hard to accept change? 

Change is hard because it requires you to become aware of your current situation. That can be painful. In fact, that can be the reason we never want to stop and take a look at where we are. This avoidance is what prohibits us from changing.

It’s easier to stay busy and never stop to witness how we are really doing. Yet, it’s so necessary for our development and our happiness. 

On the other hand, change has an element of not knowing, which opens up a possibility of things ending up in another way than you expected. This uncertainty creates fear, and that’s why so often we choose to stick to the old, familiar, and start making excuses as to why we shouldn’t go through the painful process of change.

Change is an opportunity.

Knowing how you are, you can realize changes in your habits that will change you. Knowing where you are, you can start visualizing where you want to be in the future. 

Opening up for change is opening up to a new opportunity of making your dreams come true. It’s surrendering to life and letting go of control.

So why do I need to change? 

Throughout the history of evolution, the individuals who could adapt to their new environment were the ones to survive. 

Our environment changes all the time. Technology advances more rapidly than ever and we must find the habits that keep us healthy in this new digital world. We are also witnessing fear and uncertainty due to the unexpected political turns on a local and global level.

We are going through climate change, which sets a whole new set of challenges in our everyday life. No one knows how to take on these challenges, because it’s the first time we’re facing them. It’s not they came as a surprise, but it still required us to adapt. And we must do this without proof that it will be the right way. 

Change is the only constant in life.

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher

We can’t stop changing. We can’t get stuck in our familiar, but we must learn to adapt to the changing environment. 

On an individual level, our body changes all the time. We can regenerate at a cellular level, and we can grow new cells. Our bodies are extremely intelligent and they can adapt to different stressors life brings upon us. As human beings, our minds are also capable of change. It’s hard but absolutely possible to change the way you think. 

The best skill in today’s world is adaptation.

Life will always be changing so the best we can do is learn to adapt and change with it.

We are always in movement. Movement is energy and that’s what life is made of. Not allowing that movement to happen is like suffocating the energy, and not allowing life to happen. When we don’t allow the change to take place and keep holding on to what no longer serves us, we’re blocking the way for the energy to flow and inhibiting the evolution of our own life. 

Instead of a threat, change can be an opportunity to create the life of your dreams. Adapting to a new situation can bring unexpected benefits. Instead of fighting against the current, we can free up energy to make the change happen. 

Embrace the change and accept the element of uncertainty, without letting it stop you. Trust that the force of life will carry you through the change over to the other side. 

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