Letting go of 2022!

I know we all tried so hard this year. To move up in our career, to be fit and strong, to learn new skills, to earn and save up money, to take care of our families, to support our friend in need, to save the world, to meditate daily, to eat healthy… We’ve all had a tough year.

If you’re like me, you are driven by your goals and intentions. While they matter to you, you just didn’t get everything done. You might feel like you, well, failed. With high ambitions come great wins, but also great disappointments.

It’s ok to feel that you didn’t do your best. It’s ok to feel guilty for the bad decisions you took.

It’s time to face that ugly truth of you having failed in some things. But you know what? It’s really ok! You are human!

It’s time to let go of the past year.

We are taught to burden the shame and not show others our guilt. To say: “I’m sorry”, we feel like we’re going to lose face. That’s why we suppress our experiences and feelings around them. The emotions stay as a memory in our mind and body. It can block the flow of our energy. If we don’t release that suppressed energy, it will weigh us down.

Start this new year fresh – let go of the weight! Purify your energy and make space for new growth and intentions to fill your tank. You aren’t doomed to live with your memories of bad choices, worn-out relationships, and past failures. You can let go!

It’s important not to carry your past decisions over to the next year.

Whatever happened or didn’t happen, let go of it now – forgive yourself. Letting go of any identity you’ve adopted liberates you into seeing outside of your imagined self.

Journaling practice for letting go.

Now, grab your journal or your notes app and follow along with this journaling practice. Take a moment to reflect on the year that has passed.

part 1

  • What do you feel that you failed in?
  • What do you feel guilty about?
  • What weighs you down?
  • What decision do you regret taking or not taking?
  • List relationships, agreements, or promises that didn’t work out.

Only for the time of this practice, allow these feelings to come. Allow yourself to feel pain, embarrassment, and guilt. Listing those thoughts gives you an opportunity to reflect on them from a safe distance.

part 2

After that, put your hand on your heart and read the following affirmations.

I acknowledge my effort and intention towards my goals and I congratulate myself for trying.

I’m proud of the effort I put in, no matter the end result.

I focus my attention to what I did well and what worked for me this year.

In every moment, I always did the best decisions I could with the information I had at that moment.

I forgive myself for not reaching all of my goals.

I forgive myself for not being perfect.

However this year ended up for me, I love myself.

I’m right where I’m supposed to be at this moment.

I focus on what I did and I let go of what I didn’t do.

My accomplishments do not define my worth.

I’m worthy of living the life of my dreams.

I’m letting go of what no longer serves me.

My year 2023 has nothing to do with my 2022!

Remember that if you never fail, it means you aren’t trying anything new. Growing happens when you overcome a failure. So changing the way we see our overcomings is essential. Actually, you are gifted with learning opportunities. Every day is an opportunity for you to learn and grow.

The beginning of the new year has a new energy to it, and this is a great time to start setting new intentions, but before that, it’s important that you let go of the weight of the past. This will free up energy and mental space so that you can start fresh on this new year about to start.


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