10 things that helped me to live closer to my purpose.

I’m being pulled into a higher awareness. My attention is moving from my individual self towards the collective. I see more with my eyes now than I did before. I’m still asleep, but I’ve been called to wake up, again.

Before closing the year, it’s time to reflect and learn. Without reflection, we miss out on the opportunity to acknowledge our resilience and the effort we put in daily toward reaching our goals. Without understanding our own lives, we are bound to repeat the same errors, patterns, and behaviors and will keep receiving the same results time and time again.

Reflect on your year 2022

The purpose of this practice is to recognize what are the habits, behaviors, and patterns that work well for you. You will also want to touch on what didn’t work out, but I don’t want you to get too stuck on that. In the end, we want to empower ourselves with what we have learned and let go of what no longer serves us.

  1. What did you succeed in 2022?
  2. What are the factors that helped me to succeed?
  3. What did not go as planned in 2022?
  4. Why did I fail to reach my goals or achieve the results I wanted?
  5. Did you have goals set at the beginning of the year? Did you have a plan for the execution?
  6. What is an important lesson I learned during this year?

My higher purpose in 2022?

Now, using this reflection as an inspiration, take a spiritual focus. Concentrate on your higher purpose whether it’s a feeling, your health, your family, your self-realization, or whatever feels like a higher purpose for you.

Me, I can’t really say what it is specifically, but I can feel it. Living in my purpose feels like going back home to my True Self, I feel at peace, my actions are aligned with my intentions. I find myself happy, energized, and self-actualized.

Summarize 10 things that helped you to live closer to your higher purpose in 2022. I’m sharing mine as a reference.

  1. Setting an intention at the beginning of the year. I set 3 intentions at the beginning of the year, out of which 2 I achieved.
  2. Having only one goal at a time. While having 3 intentions, I could mentally only really focus on one goal at a time. So for the future, I’m going to set only one goal at a time, and not even try to do the others.
  3. Not becoming too obsessive with my intentions. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to let go and allow things to align naturally. Pushing too hard can actually create more resistance and suffering.
  4. Eating healthy, balanced, and enough. Nutrition is to me so important, but this year I promised to not set any restrictions for myself. I focused on healthy, balanced meals and enjoying the foods that I like. Food is fuel for life!
  5. Sleeping 8 hours a night. After a few years of bad sleeping habits, I started sleeping well and enough, noticing my recovery and concentration improving so much.
  6. Positive affirmations. I love listening to affirmations that change my subconscious internal dialogue into an encouraging chatter in comparison to the self-blaming and down. Putting the voice of the past.
  7. Having a long-term goal and breaking it into small actionable steps. Goals can sometimes become so overwhelming that we get blocked, but breaking them down into small actionable steps, helps to step out of that blockage.
  8. Remembering who I am, and not comparing myself to others. Having a mantra can help in those moments when you’re not sure where you end and another person begins. I repeat a mantra I learned in the yoga teacher training: “So Ham”, which means I am He/That. I repeat mentally until I feel like I remember who I am again.
  9. Not trying to be perfect. Being a perfectionist all my life brings you accomplishments, but steals your joy of doing anything. Now I go by the 80/20 principle, 80% done is perfectly enough. And I had more wine and chocolate than I planned – so what, I still love myself.
  10. My first priority is Self-Care. I must be the one to always prioritize myself and my needs. This was the greatest learning I had this year, so I will dedicate a whole new post about it.

As you reflect on your year, remember, that whatever the end results were, love yourself through it. Even if you don’t feel like you are worthy of it, you are. Choose to give that to yourself. You did the best you could with the information and capabilities that you had at that time. Your worth is not in your accomplishments. How you managed the process of working towards your goals is even more important than the actual result. How did you treat other people, your family, and yourself? The goal is really to live in a way that we can be proud of and to be closer to our higher purpose.

In the next post, we’ll be practicing how to let go of this year and what no longer serves you to make space for the new intentions for 2023!

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